Bipolar vs. BPD: Symptoms, Overlaps, and Treatment Options 

Addiction Rehab, Drug Addiction, Drug Addiction Treatment, Mental Health Treatment

In addition to having somewhat similar-sounding names, bipolar disorder and borderline personality disorder (BPD) also share a few key symptoms. However, while these disorders are often confused with each other, there are a host of distinct differences between bipolar vs. BPD. If you or a loved one are struggling with mental health, don’t wait—call us […]

Inpatient vs. Outpatient Mental Health Treatment

Addiction Rehab, Drug Addiction, Drug Addiction Treatment, Mental Health Treatment

Mental healthcare can occur at several levels of care and involve a broad scope of therapies and support services.  When you are seeking professional help, one of the first decisions you and your provider may need to make is to determine whether you will be best served by inpatient or outpatient mental health treatment. If […]

Can Men Get Postpartum Depression?

Addiction Rehab, Drug Addiction, Drug Addiction Treatment, Mental Health Treatment

Postpartum depression is commonly associated with women, but men can also experience this condition. Paternal postpartum depression affects fathers during or after a partner’s pregnancy, often caused by hormonal changes, sleep deprivation, or the stress of adjusting to parenthood. Understanding that postpartum depression is not exclusive to women helps raise awareness and ensure men receive […]

Can You Have Postpartum Depression After a Miscarriage?

Addiction Rehab, Drug Addiction, Drug Addiction Treatment, Mental Health Treatment

Pregnancy loss can be a source of searing emotional pain and an extended period of grieving. Can it also lead to the development of a mental health disorder? For example, can you have postpartum depression after a miscarriage? If you or a loved one are struggling with depression, reach out to us at Valor today! […]

How Many Days to Break an Addiction?

Addiction Rehab, Drug Addiction, Drug Addiction Treatment, Mental Health Treatment

Breaking an addiction is a complex process that doesn’t have a one-size-fits-all timeline. While detox may take a week or two to remove substances from your body, achieving long-term recovery often requires weeks or months of focused treatment and ongoing personal support. Addiction is a chronic disorder, and maintaining control over urges and behaviors is […]

Is Prozac Addictive? What You Should Know

Mental Health Treatment

Yes, Prozac is not considered addictive. Millions of people use Prozac to ease the symptoms of depression and other mental health concerns. But before you begin to take it or any other prescription medication, it’s important to fully understand the risks as well as the benefits. For example, how does it interact with your system, […]

How Family Effects Teenagers’ Mental Health: Understanding the Impact

Mental Health Treatment

Family plays a significant role in shaping teenagers’ mental health. Positive family relationships can provide emotional support, stability, and a sense of belonging, which are essential for psychological well-being. Conversely, conflict, neglect, or a lack of communication within the family can contribute to stress, anxiety, and depression in teenagers. Understanding how family effects teenagers’ mental […]

Signs and Symptoms of Silent Panic Attacks

Mental Health Treatment

If you were with someone who suddenly went through a terrifying mental health crisis, would you recognize what was happening? In many cases, you would surely realize that something’s wrong. But if the individual was experiencing silent panic attack symptoms, there’s a chance you wouldn’t know they were suffering unless they asked you for help. […]

Do I Have Seasonal Depression? Take the Quiz to Find Out

Mental Health Treatment

Could you be one of the millions of people who struggle with seasonal affective disorder? The best way to know if you have SAD is to be evaluated by a qualified mental healthcare provider. Our seasonal affective disorder quiz can help you decide if it’s time to schedule an evaluation.  If you or a loved […]

Is Narcissistic Personality Disorder Treatable?

Mental Health Treatment

Is narcissistic personality disorder treatable? If you know someone who has this condition, you may wonder if there is any hope of changing their behaviors. In today’s post, we explore the symptoms of this condition, the types of treatment that may be helpful, and how you can support your loved one without undermining your own […]

Psych Ward vs. Mental Hospital

Mental Health Treatment

When you’re looking for mental health help, it can sometimes be difficult to determine which services and treatment environment are right for you. Challenges can include differentiating between a psych ward vs. a mental hospital, as well as understanding the features and benefits of the different levels of care that treatment centers provide. If you […]

Signs Your Antidepressant Dose Is Too Low?

Mental Health Treatment

Finding the right antidepressant and determining the most effective dosage level can involve a bit of trial and error. To ensure you’re receiving maximum benefit from the medication you’re taking, you and your doctor need to keep a close eye on several factors. For example, if your symptoms don’t change or you start to develop […]