Valor Behavioral Health

Trauma Therapy atlanta

Living with unresolved trauma causes a great deal of discord in a person’s life. Whether the traumatic events happened during childhood or are ongoing, getting professional help is the only way to help ease the symptoms.

Call or text us today to begin trauma therapy in Atlanta and find your path to recovery.

Valor Behavioral Health created our trauma therapy Atlanta program to help people face the trauma that impacted their lives. We provide a safe and nurturing environment at our facility that fosters a person’s ability to discuss their symptoms. With the help of our skilled therapists, each person learns how to reframe their experiences and put the damage they caused to rest. We believe that no one should suffer from trauma when there is a dedicated therapeutic plan to recover from it.

What is Trauma Therapy?

current day. Trauma can be a one-time event or a series of events over time. Examples of traumatic experiences include sexual abuse, physical abuse, neglect, bullying, and school or community shootings. Other events include natural disasters, the death of a loved one, military acts, and serious accidents or illnesses.

Our trauma therapy in Atlanta program helps people discuss the trauma they endured in a safe environment. The individual participates in different types of evidence-based therapies that address what happened to them and how it has impacted their lives. The goal is to defuse the power trauma has over a person and teach them healthy ways to cope. This reduces their symptoms and helps them move on with more confidence and hope for the future and less anxiety.

How Long Does Trauma Therapy Take?

How long a program for trauma therapy in Atlanta lasts depends on a few factors. Influencers include how often the person endured trauma and the severity of their symptoms. A general guideline is to plan for 30 days in a residential program. Outpatient programs usually work best when the person commits to 30 to 60 days of attending therapy sessions.

How Does Trauma Affect Mental Health?

Going through trauma has a long-lasting impact on a person’s mental health. It can become post-traumatic stress disorder in a short amount of time. It can also lead to developing depression, anxiety disorders, eating disorders, and self-harming. For many, living with untreated trauma can cause them to develop a substance use disorder.

woman who is sitting on the couch with her therapist holdong onto her shoulder during trauma therapy in atlanta

Why Trauma-Based Therapy is Important in Atlanta

Too often, someone who underwent trauma feels like they will just have to live with the results. The symptoms overshadow their ability to have healthy, loving relationships and trust that they will be safe in different situations. Attending trauma therapy in Atlanta, regardless of how long ago the trauma might have taken place, allows a person to seize control of their emotions and behaviors. Without trauma-based therapy, people suffer needlessly for years and decades. Trauma can be treated through a variety of therapy modalities and prescription medications that make a tremendous difference in a person’s life.

How Can Trauma Therapy Help with Addiction?

Someone who goes through trauma but does not receive professional counseling may turn to abusing drugs or alcohol to help cover up their emotions. Trauma therapy Atlanta can help address the traumatic event in a way that lessens a person’s desire to drink or use drugs. This happens because as the individual progresses through trauma therapy, they learn how to process what happened to them. They experience fewer symptoms which gives them less of a trigger to turn to substance abuse.

How Can Trauma Therapy Help with Mental Health?

Trauma therapy helps people discuss and express their emotions about what happened to them in a safe environment. Trauma therapy in Atlanta helps people learn to regulate their emotions and remove the power of triggers that remind them of their trauma. This has a natural impact on improving their mental health.


Living with PTSD can cause tremendous anxiety. Once a person begins processing their trauma and taking away its power, they become less anxious. The healthy coping skills they have learned replace the automatic reaction of feeling anxious.


People with PTSD often feel triggered by specific events or locations. Trauma therapy helps them defuse these triggers and the emotions that come with them. 

patients sitting with their therapist at valor behavioral health during a trauma therapy session in atlanta

Type of Trauma Therapy We Provide in Atlanta

Part of healing from trauma involves attending different types of therapy designed to reduce or eliminate trauma-related symptoms. Each therapy offers something of value such as how to process trauma differently and develop healthy coping mechanisms. The types of therapy we offer include:


Primary Therapist
Last Updated on Aug 22, 2024

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If you or a loved one is struggling with mental health issues or dual diagnosis disorders and seeking a balanced approach to recovery, our mental health programs in Atlanta may be the right choice. 

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Begin Trauma Therapy in Atlanta Today

Valor Behavioral Health created our trauma therapy in Atlanta program to help people leave their past behind and move on with hope and dignity. Our staff uses their experience in treating trauma to help people revisit the effect traumatic events have on them and learn healthy coping skills. Our outpatient programs allow individuals to travel to us for valuable therapy sessions while still enjoying the convenience of living at home. We also discuss options for prescription medications that can ease the symptoms of PTSD and other trauma-related disorders.

Call us today or visit our admissions page to find out more about how our program can change your life. We believe everyone can overcome the shadow that trauma casts over their lives. Let us show you how to walk into the light.

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Valor Behavioral Health is an innovative outpatient mental health treatment facility serving the Greater Atlanta region

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Nothing would please our multidisciplinary team more than seeing our clients succeed in long-term recovery and sobriety.
